C is a general-purpose, procedural, high-level Programming
language that was originally developed by Denis M. Ritchie at Bell Telephone Laboratory
in 1972.
C was invented to write an operating system called
All Unix Operating System has Written in C Programming
Languages and C has Become a Professional Programming Languages now a days.
C Programmig is easy to Learn and Understand.
It is a Case Sensitive Languages.
C Programmig is easy to Learn and Understand.
It is a Case Sensitive Languages.
Today C is the most widely used and popular System
Programming Language.it is also most commonly used programming Languages for
writing system Software, and it is also widely used for Writing a Application.
Lets us understand some basic Characteristic of C
Programming Languages. C Programming Languages is a Algorithm-based Languages,
C has the Following Characteristic.
‘C’ is a Procedural Programming Languages Paradigm, and its Facility for
Structured Programming Languages.
is an Variable Scope and Recursion.
is a Static Type System Which prevent many Meaningful operations.
parameters are generally passed by Value (pass-by-reference ).
allows heterogeneous data types, which allows related data elements to be
combined and manipulated as a unit.
C having a Small-set
of Reserved Keywords